Mottos our family has used
Memorized mottos give us a quick “way we respond to things” on the tip of our tongues.
Mottos for Everyday Manners
- Obey right away, all the way, with a good attitude every day.
- Do it right the first time, every time.
- Focus on your job & do it right.
- Leave it better than you found it.
- Voices: cheerful, polite, strong.
- Business before pleasure.
- Soldier Stance (1. Stand up straight; 2. Shoulders back; 3. Hands at sides; 4. Ready eyes; 5. Quick response)
- Hand shake, firm and cheerful, eyes on eyes.
- Don’t pass it up, pick it up!
- When you’re done with one thing, put it away before moving on to another thing.
- Respond cheerfully, politely, and promptly.
- No fussing. No whining. No complaining. Respond with gratitude.
- Ready to strike your colors? I have not yet begun to fight!
- Hustle to help out.
- Keep your head; don’t panic.
- We do not create unnecessary work for others.
- Put things away in their own right place the first time, every time.
- When we have work to do, we do it without complaining.
- We speak cheerfully and respectfully with one another.
- If you fall down, get up, smile, and keep playing.
Latin Mottos
- Dictum factum (Said and done)
- Festina lente (Make haste slowly)
- Tempus fugit (Time flies)
I’d love to hear your family mottos!

Family Motto Sheets
Change your family’s mood and mode by practicing these mottos daily.