Everything has a framework, whether it’s conscious or not. The government’s framework is the Constitution. Our education’s framework is made of our core principles. A computer software framework is the basic functionality before the frills and features. And our housework needs a framework just as much as
Before you were married or had kids, did you think homemaking would be an easy gig? I mean, dishes, laundry, sweeping, meals – it seems pretty basic. But it doesn’t take long for reality to sink in. I often hear from women who say they were organized when they worked
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a homeschool mom in possession of a large family must be in want of a housekeeper. That’d be nice, wouldn’t it? Some families can actually swing it, but most of us are on our own when it comes to keeping up
"Practice the habit of hospitality by creating a welcoming home, offering refreshment, listening with care, and sharing life with those around you."