Never organize alone.
Organizing is very personal. You want your things and your time ordered in a way that works for you, for your situation and your own needs.
You can’t simply adopt someone else’s system or someone else’s order and expect it to work for you. Life is too variable for that.
You are the only one who can arrange your things to work for you.
But that doesn’t mean you have to do so alone.
In fact, you shouldn’t try to do it alone. Organization projects are better with friends, better done in the company of others working along the same lines.
Organizing alone is less effective.
When you have friends who are also setting up their own planners, decluttering their own homes, and organizing their life according to their priorities, you have the benefit of others’ perspectives. Instead of relying only on your own ideas, you can brainstorm and generate more possibilities by chatting with women who are on the same page.
When you have a group of friends, or even a single friend, who is working along the same lines, organizing becomes a normal, regular part of your conversation. Knowing you’ll be chatting about it, knowing you’ll be asked about it, helps keep you motivated and on track, less likely to slack off because you’d rather watch a movie than work your plan.
In fact, if you can set up a regular organization accountability with a friend or two for 2017, you’ll be sure to make more significant progress and enjoy the process more, too.
Organizing alone is less fun.
Organization with friends is much more enjoyable. You get the camaraderie of chatting about real life with people who understand.
When you undertake an organization project at the same time as other women, you feel a part of something bigger than just keeping your own home rolling. You can share funny bits, make inside jokes, and have companions who help encourage you and spur you on.
You can make it a game. See who can check in with the day’s task first. See who collects the largest bag to donate. See who finds the oddest out of place item. Story-swap and laugh through the project.
Don’t organize alone – Join us!
You’ll notice that none of these examples require you to actually have a friend at your house while organizing. Although having real-life local friends you’re working alongside is ideal, it isn’t possible for everyone.
But life is so much better alongside likeminded women in the same season of life. And the beauty of the internet is that we can find and connect with one another.
- Get gospel-focused advice and encouragement.
- Level up your plans and progress, one step at a time.
- Find accountability with likeminded women without any social media drama.
- Experience the homemaking mentoring you’ve always wanted.
- Learn to love being a homemaker!
Keep reading –

“Declutter Your Story”
Module 1 of Organize Your Attitude
The Organize Your Attitude course inside Convivial Circle will teach you how to change your thoughts and choose your feelings so you can create a positive, loving atmosphere in your home.