Seeking Leisure & Scholé

I am currently in the midst of the summer teacher class “Bringing Scholé to the Home & Homeschool,” taught by Dr. Christopher Perrin. He’s been assigning chapters from The Liberal Arts Tradition and Leisure, the Basis of Culture, and though I’ve read both books before, it’s been excellent to revisit Leisure (it’s been years since…

What is Scholé?

What is Scholé?

What does scholé even mean? Blame Josef Pieper and Christopher Perrin. Pieper’s seminal work, Leisure, the Basis of Culture opens with this: [pullquote align=”center”]The Greek word for leisure (scholé) is the origin of Latin scola, English school. The name for the institutions of education and learning mean “leisure.” [/pullquote] The classical ideal for education, which…

Facebook is not forever

Facebook is not forever

Or, what we really want out of social media Although Americans want to believe it, and manipulate to contrive it, there actually is no such thing as “too big to fail.” History shows us rather the opposite. At a certain point, human entities and institutions can become too big not to fail.  Human institutions with…

The Nerve to Be Mom

The Nerve to Be Mom

Moms are leaders of their children, giving vitality to the nervous system of the family. I remember over a decade ago, I had joined a 24-hour fitness club so that I would feel obligated to exercise. One early morning I was dutifully on the treadmill and some news commentary show was on all the big…