The Best Homeschool Techniques
Everyone wants to know the best homeschool techniques. That’s what Google is for, right? To tell us.
When homeschool days go bad, we wonder if we are missing something or if there are better ways out there we’re missing. We want a lovely homeschool lifestyle, full of laughter and joy and definitely lots of learning – without tears. How’s a homeschool mom to make that happen?

These techniques are how I work toward a better homeschool every day.
Best Homeschool Technique #1 – Manage Expectations
Too often we get blindsided by our day and other people’s responses when we really shouldn’t. We wake up and start the day assuming – expecting – people will do as they’re told, learn their lessons, do their work, and get along.
When our expectations are not in line with reality, we’re doomed to frustration. We don’t get a good day by wishful thinking or avoiding the difficult truth. We get a good day after fighting the good fight – the fight against our own sin.
Our expectation for each and every homeschool day needs to be that both we and our children will respond sinfully to each other and to our duties and to our God. Our commitment needs to be that as much as we sin, we repent. When our children sin, we won’t match it with sin of our own, but will work with them toward repentance and restoration.
God’s will is our sanctification, our growth in Christ, and that is never stagnant or figured out once and for all (until His return). Our expectation ought never to be that we will get our system entirely ironed out and working 100%. Our expectation ought to be that we will continually grow in faithfulness, more and more, over the course of our whole lives.
Related: Why Homeschooling Is Hard
Best Homeschool Technique #2 – Pay Attention
If you read anyone on the topic of schooling, education, or learning, they will invariably point out how vital attention is to the process.
We know our kids need to pay attention and we know they have a hard time doing so. But what about our attention?
Are we paying attention to the book we’re reading aloud? Are we paying attention to the math equation we’re helping with? Are we paying attention to who is doing what where?
The success and effectiveness of our homeschool learning environment begins not with the attention of the students, as vital as that is, but rather with the attention of the leader, the mother – ourselves.
Best Homeschool Technique #3 – Repent Always
Education begins with repentance, with humility, with letting down our defenses and admitting we were wrong. If we’re educating, that will happen every day – for us and our children. If we’re growing in Christ, that will happen every day – for us and our children.
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Join Brandy Vencel and I as we discuss showing our kids how to live. It’ll be an encouraging and motivational focus session before the next school season begins in earnest. It’s free, and everyone who registers will also get the replay link:

Showing Our Kids How to Live
with Mystie Winckler & Brandy Vencel
Tuesday, August 6, at 1:30pm Pacific
Extra Bonus 3!
So maybe you wanted 3 actual things to add to your homeschool schedule, not 3 things you had to manage in yourself.
But as homeschool moms, our attitude and our demeanor is the atmosphere of our home. So these 3 matter more than what math curriculum we use or how we set up our day.
Still, I’ve got you covered there, too:
My top 3 best homeschool techniques to help you have a better day and get along with your kids more. These three techniques: morning time, Monday meeting, and agenda board will promote communication and independent, responsible learning.