How is scholé a part of your life?
Scholé is not just something we do for or with our children. Scholé is for everyone, including homeschooling moms.
Whether you call yourself a classical educator, a Charlotte Mason mom, an eclectic homeschooler, or something else entirely, you need to draw on the wells of learning yourself in order to model the life of loving to learn and grow.

Scholé rises above our labels and recalls us to time-honored truths: A student, when he is fully trained, will be like his teacher. If we say our goal for our children is that they have a lifelong love of learning, do we evidence and live out a love of learning for them to see? Or is learning something they have to do while we tell them we have already put in our time?
Are the school years a jail sentence? Something we graduate out of? Or do we continue all our lives down the path of curiosity and wonder, learning and growing and loving wherever we are?
If we’re taking time out of the hustle and bustle of washing dishes and laundry to have conversations with friends or family over dinner, to read a good book, to play with art, then we are living and modeling scholé.
I do love a good, meaty book and time set aside to really dig in and think and write, but that isn’t the only way to scholé. It also happens when we have people over for dinner and share about life and what we’re living and learning. It happens when we’re driving in the car and a conversation opens up with our children. It happens when we take an early morning walk and just open our eyes to our own neighborhoods and breathe in and notice the fresh air and changing seasons.
Scholé is not only about reading thick books. It is also about living a noticing and wondering life.